Thursday, 18 September 2014

Leaving Something In You Will For Your Dog

Leaving Something In You Will For Your Dog
(From Viovet website -

Pets in Wills
Considering the majority of people reading this will be pet owners, the idea of bequeathing money and property to animals after death might not be met with such surprise. Apparently, the number of people factoring pets into their wills is on the rise, especially amongst the rich and famous. According to the Animal Legal Defence Fund, making provisions for pets has become increasingly popular in the last decade, with owners leaving money, trust funds, property and entire estates to their furry family members.
But people are not only bequeathing their assets to their own pets; the number of us donating to animal charities, shelters and to adopted strays has increased so much in the last century that today, making provisions for the less fortunate has become standard custom. For those of us who are the sole pet parent with no one to entrust our pets to, leaving a portion of our assets to ensure their continued care makes perfect sense. In fact, we are so devoted to our animals that roughly 1.5 million of the UK plans to leave our money to our pets.
That aside, it is the ones that go above and beyond to provide for their pets after death that I am most interested in; the ones bequeathing family fortunes, jewels, estates, luxury holiday homes and who knows what else to the house pet, slighting their expectant family members in favour of the dog, cat or chicken.

Sep 15th, 2014 - Posted by Hannah Dyball in Pet Discussion

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