Wednesday, 8 June 2011

It's A Dog's World

Here is an abridged item from a recent "Dog News" that makes me very

From July 1st 2011, owners of dogs that the city of College Park, Gainesvill
deem to be "potentially dangerous" must be registered, photographed
and should be forced to wear a bright identifying tag to mark them out.

A local Councilman, brought in the breed specific legislation following two
high profile dog attack cases in his district.

"What a dog owner has to do is go to the vet and get a chip implanted
into the dog for identification purposes. They also have to submit a photograph
of the dog, and they'll be issued a brightly colored tag that will identify
it as a potentially dangerous dog,". People who don't register
their dogs face fines and the city authorities say that owners will also have their dogs taken and
impounded should they not comply.

The following are breeds of dogs required to be registered in College Park:

Pit Bull, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire
Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Doberman and German Shepard

This is abject nonsense. In almost all cases of dogs with dangerous behaviour
it is the owners (or previous owners) who are the basic cause of the problem.
It is possible to take a small mild mannered dog and turn it into a vicious
little thug by repeated kicking, indifferent feeding and plenty of isolation.
It is possible to take a disturbed badly behaved dog and turn it into a stable
family pet by applying good training principals. ( )

Breed specific legislation is a concept that has been tried in various places
around the world but it has proven to be controversial, expensive and has never
been proven to have prevented a single dog attack or death.

The councilman is probably a typical politician who likes to make the rules from
a comfortable office without ever bothering to learn about what takes place in the real world.

Some Routine Maintenence For Your Dog

Every day you hear of something that you should eat/avoid/undertake etc
to keep yourself healthy and increase your chances of a long life.

Well, actually it's very much the same for your dog and in many cases the advice
can be exactly the same (but not always as there are some specific differences
between human and dog metabilisum)

Like us dogs are at risk of developing joint problems- especially arthritis.
This is more prevailent in some breeds such as Labrador retrievers, German shepherd
dogs, Golden retrievers, and Rottweilers.

When dogs have arthritis they display symptoms such as being less active, have
trouble getting up or lying down, they are reluctant to climb/desend stairs,
or they become lame. Some dogs become much slower when they move around.

As with humans there are various treatments available to ease a dog's discomfort
and restore mobility. The type of treatment depends upon several factors, such
as the age of your dog, the severity of the problem and especially today, financial

Is There Any Action You Can Take

You bet there is. Firstly prevention of joint problems and secondly helping
your dog if it has joint problems


Feed a good quality balanced diet, preferably one that contains a natural
source of Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate providing the body with necessary
nutrients for cartilage repair and function. Good quality food also contains antioxidants
to encourage a strong healthy immune system. Stick to good quality branded feed and if in doubt ask your vet for advice

Keep your dog at an ideal weight. Arthritis is much more of a problem in obese
pets. Weight loss can be beneficial by helping to reduce the workload on the
bones and joints.

Exercise. Provide moderate amounts of exercise. Modest daily exercise can help
some dogs. Exercise can strengthen the muscles and ligaments thus reducing the
potential and risk of injury. Special care is needed, so it is important to
first see your veterinarian, who can recommend an appropriate exercise program.

Help for a dog with joint problems

Slip-free Flooring. Hardwood and tile floors are slippery and can be very
difficult for dogs with arthritis to navigate. Placing carpet or area rugs will
help secure your dog's footing. This can help prevent him from slipping and
injuring himself - cheaper than a vet's bill

A Soft Bed. Soft bedding can help support the bones and joints, making your
pet more comfortable. This can be especially important in thin dogs in which
bony prominences are likely to rub on hard surfaces. Some beds are made especially
for dogs with arthritis, such as waterbeds, hammock beds, and beds with plenty
of extra cushions.

I hope these suggestions help you to look after your dog.

On A Lighter Note
Here is a website you might like to look at. It is where a very talented artist
shows some of her work relating to dogs (and other animals). The standard is
very high and I think you will be impressed and no I do not have any connection
with the website or receive any commission - I just think it is worth a browsing


Until next time - take care out there.

